Thursday, December 21, 2017

UN Says, ““Eat My Shoes” Nikki Haley - and Donald Trump!”

The United Nations (UN) is hated by some, respected by others, and even some regard it as just a useless mechanism often manipulated by the United States through its political and economic power. That was certainly not the case on December 21, 2017, after Ambassador Nikki Haley delivered her threatening speech and high political tit-for-tat ramblings to the UN Council concerning President Donald Trump’s and the U.S. support declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Their response in terms of voting 128-9 to condemn US Embassy move to Jerusalem even after Ambassador Nikki Haley’s warning was essentially their “Eat My Shoes” response to her obnoxious speech which offended both allies and enemies alike. 

Nikki Haley’s speech is typical Donald Trump language and mentality and the UN members obviously will not tolerate such disrespect. The vote was more about respecting allies and not trying to hold aid over their heads. In general, people dislike when you do something for them or give something to them and then hold it over their heads as leverage. Such action is often perceived as despicable and devoid of real sincerity or generosity. One can only imagine how many would have probably considered voting otherwise before threats from Haley and Trump, and an insensible Netanyahu’s insult.

This was a bad political move to begin with, and using threat to gain support was another big mistake! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also added insult before the vote by referring to the United Nations as a “house of lies”. Thus, the two main messengers for support for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Nikki Haley and Benjamin Netanyahu, showed no respect for their colleagues at the UN – and by this virtue alone, should not have expected any other results.

Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador-U.N.

The United States has perhaps been overestimating its power of persuasion, as well as political and economic power, and this has increased with new showman president Donald Trump. 

If nothing else, a 128-9 vote means “Eat My Shoes” Nikki Haley!

Dr. Donovan A. McFarlane is an experienced college educator, who over the last two decades, has taught thousands of students in the fields of Management, Marketing, International Business and Leadership. He also currently teaches American Government and Political Science. He can be reached at

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