Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Stormy Daniels for President – Stormy Daniels 2020!

By now everyone in America who has a computer, television, radio, or other news media devise should know the name “Stormy Daniels” – the porn star who just released her book, Full Disclosure, in which she reveals a bit more about herself as a person – a human being, and in which she chronicles her adulterous affair with the current and 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Recently, and as a throw-in to lighten the spirit in a discussion, I suggested “Stormy Daniels for President” in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election. Everyone in the laughed…but on a serious note, I asked, “How many of you would vote for Stormy Daniels for President?” The laughter got louder and there was one young man inclined to raise his hand, but looking around, he saw no one else responded. Even in politics we like to follow the crowd as we are social-in-group beings, always not wanting to know someone else thinks so or share that view. I proceeded to ask, “On a serious note though, why couldn’t she run for President of the United States?” She qualifies by virtue of the requirements spelled out in the Constitution – Stormy Daniels has attained 35 years of age, she is a natural-born citizen of the United States, she has resided in the United States for more than 14 years, and as far as we know, she has no criminal background that disqualifies her from being eligible to run for President. The answer to people’s lack of endorsement of Stormy Daniels for President of the United States was quite obvious - her profession as a porn star! Interestingly, this seems to point to a matter of integrity based on the historical and moral context in which our society places porn star and those whom work in the sex industry.

As a society, we characterize individuals like Stormy Daniels as lacking integrity and immoral by our individual and even broader social standards. However, and not defending porn or its adherents and exponents such as Stormy Daniels, we could ask several questions in light of recent politics:

  1. Has Stormy Daniels ever lied to us individually or collectively as a nation?
  2. Has Stormy Daniels used racist, stereotypical, disrespectful and other demeaning language and speech to characterize entire race, religion, people or nation?
  3. How many times has Stormy Daniels lied to the media and public in the past 2 years – 5,000 or more times?
  4. Has Stormy Daniels ever consorted with the enemies of the United States, whether sexually or politically? Has she ever praised Vladimir Putin or done one of her porn scenes/films with him?
  5. Has Stormy Daniels hidden her taxes and refused disclosure despite multiple calls and the need for transparency in governance or financial oversight?
  6. How many men and women have come forward accusing Stormy Daniels of sexual assault of any type?
  7. Has Stormy Daniels been known to cheat others in business dealings and other contractual commercial endeavors?
  8. Has Stormy Daniels made concerted and repeated efforts to obstruct justice?
  9. Has Stormy Daniels mocked the disabled, women, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and the like?
  10. Has Stormy Daniels advocated against First Amendment Rights for anyone including curtailing individuals’ civil rights and civil liberties, or abridgement of freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of expression or the like?

We could go on and on with these questions, and the answer to all of them with regards to Stormy Daniels would most likely be a resounding “No!”. However, the same cannot be said of Donald J. Trump, the 45th and current President of the United States. In fact, the President would miserably fail all these questions as over the past 2 years, we have seen numerous examples of his dishonesty, his lack of respect for other people, his zest to curtail Constitutional rights guaranteed under the First Amendment for the media and his “enemy” non-supporters of his policies and values. Furthermore, we have seen how the President constantly cozies up with Vladimir Putin, praises him, and how he admires ruthless dictators such as Rodrigo Duterte, the 16th President of the Philippines who kills with total immunity and disregard for human life. We could list so many other character and integrity flaws of President Donald J. Trump, including his gross incompetence as a public administrator thus far as evident from unprecedented turnover – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921, and who was a founder of Public Administration as discipline and practice in this country, would have been utterly shocked by such incompetence. From the above, we can literally compare President Donald J. Trump with Stormy Daniels and we may surprisingly, if we are honest and objective, make an honest conclusion as to who has more integrity and character flaw! Hence, why cannot Story Daniels run for President of the United States in 2020?

About the Author
Dr. Donovan A. McFarlane teaches in the fields of Political Science and Public Administration to include courses on American Government, The Presidency, and Public Policy. He has extensively taught in the fields of Business and Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Some of the major courses he has facilitated include International Business, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Strategic Management, among other courses. He currently writes articles in several areas for his Blog, Forum of Business, Organizations, and Society (FOBOS):

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Stormy Daniels for President – Stormy Daniels 2020!

By now everyone in America who has a computer, television, radio, or other news media devise should know the name “Stormy Daniels” ...