Wednesday, July 11, 2018

China and the U.S. Economic Power War - Reversal of Wealth and Fortune?

The economic war between the United States and China has been mostly a silent, passive, and masked one before the Trump Administration. The U.S. had long feared losing its global economic power, and this reality is becoming more the case as China flexes its global economic and political ambition and engage trade under both absolute advantage and zero-sum neo-mercantilist strategies. After all, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, taught us that you cannot expect to take a dragon’s treasures and gold without suffering some form of loss or devastation. The U.S. is at the better and more positive end of the spectrum in doing business with China when compared to poor, developing, and underdeveloped nations. 

China is currently the world’s second largest economy and growing, and this growth won’t be curbed by U.S. economic strategies as China has been investing rapidly across the globe and the outflow and inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) for China will be net positive when compared to its trading partners, including the United States. Furthermore, China’s fixed capital formation is increasing rapidly as multinational corporations are still building manufacturing and other plants and offices in China due to its cheap labor and mastering of economic incentives in an effort to outdo the U.S. and maintain the current prosperity it is enjoying. The Chinese represents a large percentage of the world’s emerging wealthy consumers and the Chinese government has no plans in curbing the modern materialism engrossing and fueling Chinese workmanship, belief in the competence of their government, and Chinese destiny that has always exalted Chinese leadership as directly descending from Heaven. The U.S. at the height of its imperial hegemony declared a Manifest Destiny, but the Chinese Myth of Creation has long communicated and sustained their own despite the transformations and changes that the Chinese people, their nation, and society have undergone over the last few thousand years. Thus, the Chinese resolve has been long established within its mythical and divine origin, its approach to life and philosophy of relationships and foreign affairs. The nations under Imperial Tang within Asia and the Korean Peninsula knew this all too well from long before English and U.S. histories were written.
The recent decision by the Trump Administration to impose tariffs on China represents sort of similar strategy that China in its past was noted for using against Gorguyeo, Silla, and Baekje (The Three Kingdoms of Korea) in an effort to not only demonstrate political power, but cement its rule in Asia and in the northern and central parts of the Korean Peninsula and the southern and central parts of Manchuria. Thus, China is used to such kind of game and the Trump Administration might be making a futile effort in getting China to retract its ensnarement of trade and opportunities. After all, which nation will easily give up its advantages in economy and trade in a tightening century of global competition and declining resources where a future of overpopulation, drastic climatic changes, and war over resources including basic food and water resources might be the most fervent stimuli for an ultimate apocalypse?
The Chinese imposition of tariffs on 128 products in ending-March-April 2018 as a retaliation for the U.S.’ imposition of similar tariffs, mainly geared to secure U.S. steel and other key industries, communicates China’s resolve in maintaining its present course toward global economic dominance and power. With the elimination of term limits for current President Xi Xinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, China is demonstrating its willingness to stay on its current prosperous and powerful economic and political course without deviation. America and President Trump can cry “unfair competition” all they want, but China will not change its lucrative age for friendship or endorsement. This stubbornness is particularly enforced by China’s modern memory and experience in the late 1800s and early 1900s with western colonialism and Japanese imperialism and the impact that weathered Chinese into being labeled the “Sick Men of Asia”. Never again will the Chinese become the “Sick Men of Asia” but the rulers of Asia as in “Asia The Invincible” [metaphorically expressed in the movie, The East is Red] whose power and transformations are mighty and unstoppable. China, as the metaphorical “Asia The Invincible” is here to dominate in the 21st century as the world’s greatest economic and political power, and apart from its willing and overly patriotic people and culture, the Chinese have numbers and strategies on their sides, and a knack for friending the enemies of its friends. Chinese attitude toward Taiwan is only an indication of the hard stances it will take in the future on a global level as it faces and deals with challenges in Asia and clashes with the West over trade and other issues.

About the Author
Dr. Donovan A. McFarlane teaches in the fields of Political Science and Public Administration to include courses on American Government, The Presidency, and Public Policy. He has extensively taught in the fields of Business and Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Some of the major courses he has facilitated include International Business, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Strategic Management, among other courses. He currently writes articles in several areas for his Blog, Forum of Business, Organizations, and Society (FOBOS):

Monday, July 2, 2018

Predicting Trump’s Meeting with Putin – One of Compliments and Compromise?

U.S. President Donald J. Trump is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 16, 2018. Many are speculating on what should be a tense meeting given America’s lack of favor with Vladimir and the fact that most American politicians including those who vehemently support Trump, still see Russia as America’s great enemy. Over the last two years, we have seen how President Trump has consistently defended and complimented President Putin without any refrain, and this has created speculations and assertions by many that Vladimir has some anti-Oxyclean dirt on Trump. Whatever the case, based on President Trump’s consistently great and positive attitude toward “tremendous” Putin, we can assume that this meeting will be one of compliments and compromise. Trump has always acted in a subordinate manner to Putin, from the campaign for President of the United States right up to the present. Furthermore, if Putin really have some dirt on Trump, this meeting will certainly be one of Trump willingly negotiating and seeking leverage to get the dirt permanently buried or destroyed. The price will certainly be astronomical, and President Trump has already provided some hints as to how much he might be willing to compromise. For example, regarding Russia’s annexation of Crimea, President Trump has remarked, “We’ll see”, and John Bolton, his national security adviser, who previously met with Putin, has not made the issue clearer than his boss, as in a CNN interview, Bolton also used the same phrase, “We’ll see”. This Bolton explains, is President Trump’s approach to negotiation and meeting. This is probably indicating that nothing is off the table until the meeting. Does this also mean that the United States will lift all Russian sanctions? Probably. However, it is not likely since President Trump must balance many scales.

The fact that President Trump is far more willing to attack and criticize American politicians and party members, as well as senators, even Senator McCain who has done more than his share for his nation – demonstrates that President Vladimir Putin holds a higher regard in Trump’s mind and heart than many Americans, even those who are blindly loyal to and support Donald J. Trump in all his endeavors, decisions, and policies however questionable. One thing we are certain of is that President Trump will certainly throw anyone under the bus to defend himself, his interest, and his turf – ask “Sloppy Steve” and a few others who gave their all and then were booted from the administration and subsequently disregarded. Hopefully, this meeting will not involve too much compromise on President Trump’s part or too much loss for America, the American people and the rest of the world as Putin seeks to establish a domineering Russia and himself as a global strongman in this era. There should be no consideration on Russia’s annexation of Crimea as United States’ foreign and diplomatic policies have always opposed such aggression and oppressive hostile act by other nations. At the same time, we can see why Putin and other leaders engaging in invasion and annexation would not value American standards and blessings – we can recall the taking over of Hawaii and the elimination of its monarchy and other incidents where America itself has used force to accomplish change in sovereign states. Thus, this may not even be up for discussion and agreement with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as he might recall America’s aided war of Afghans fighting against Russia. There are so many points of insistence and challenge that could potentially emerge in this meeting if Donald J. Trump really decides to act like President of the United States rather as just the Donald. Stepping aside from this consideration, President Trump will return even more strongly asserting that Russia had not interfered or meddled in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.
The meeting between President Trump and President Putin is scheduled to take place in Helsinki on July 16, and is scheduled to include discussions on a range of national security issues, the relationship between Russia and the United States, and certainly economics given previous sanctions against Russia and the fallout after Russian and American responses following the Obama-era ending sanctions. President Trump has indicated that the two representatives of their respective nations may speak about Syria and Ukraine. In so doing, President Trump has never changed his tone on Russia or Putin, indicating that the talks and getting along with Russia is for the good of everyone and the world. Thus, not making the Ukraine issue a big deal might be relevant to accomplishing Russian cooperation and relationship from the perspective of President Trump. We will have to wait and see how this meeting unfolds and the impact on U.S. national and global policies and its relationship with Russia. Vladimir Putin has proven himself both shrewd and capable over the past several years, and Trump will certainly meet his counter-American match in this July 2018 scheduled meeting.

Image source: The Independent-UK (2018)

About the Author
Dr. Donovan A. McFarlane teaches in the fields of Political Science and Public Administration to include courses on American Government, The Presidency, and Public Policy. He has extensively taught in the fields of Business and Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Some of the major courses he has facilitated include International Business, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Strategic Management, among other courses. He currently writes articles in several areas for his Blog, Forum of Business, Organizations, and Society (FOBOS):

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