Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Travel Ban 3.0: Are the Supreme Court Justices out of their Flipping Minds?

Trump’s Neil Gorsuch finally rewarded his master for his appointment and favor in landing him an associate justice job in what was no doubt the nation’s highest hall of justice until today, June 16, 2018. Today, The Supreme Court of Donald J. Trump [as it can no longer be deemed “The Supreme Court of the United States”] made a 5-4 decision to uphold the Trump Travel Ban against seven (7) countries: Libya, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela. Some of these nations are predominantly Muslim. Trump has finally got his wish in banning people from these “shit-hole countries” [Trump’s language here].  The Supreme Court of Donald J. Trump has reversed a decision by the lower court, upholding Travel Ban 3.0, since 1.0 and 2.0 were struck down. This is not only a surprising verdict from what was formerly the nation’s most conscientious court, but a sad day for the United States and those citizens and residents of the seven nations against which the Travel Ban was upheld. This will certainly affect international students and nations from these nations who are residing in the United States, and who may have family, property, or other interests in the U.S. Trump must be swimming in his own saliva of caustic self-congratulation at this time – hopefully he will not stay afloat, giving all of us relief from his roller coaster presidency. In fact, even Trump himself was surprised by the verdict as evident from one of his simplest and most grammatically correct tweets thus far: “SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow!”

            The former Supreme Court of the United States has certainly made an error, and in the words of Donald J. Trump, a “bigly” one. This will set the tone for further hostile language and discrimination against immigrants, harassment at airports, and create further tensions across the board. Trump has dubbed the ruling “a tremendous victory” – a tremendously hugely one sir!  The former Supreme Court cited “rational basis” and “legitimate state interests”. The dissent was entered by the following four sensible justices: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Stephen Breyer, and Justice Elena Kagan. Justices John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch constituted the majority opinion. In terms of the outcome, the most surprising from among these five justices is that of Clarence Thomas, as it is expected that Gorsuch will always side with his lord and master. However, minorities were certainly hoping they would see Thomas switch from his nonsensical conservatism to support minorities.
Chief Justice John Roberts who voted for upholding the Travel Ban 3.0 seems to have forgotten to take his epileptic medication, when one listens to his reasoning. The decision, while his argument deflects from broader and more serious implications, seems to focus only on upholding vague presidential authority. A pre-law college student could have provided a better reasoning than what Roberts provided, as Roberts’ reasoning was wholly devoid of consequences for democracy, America’s republican form of government, and the Constitution. Let’s continue to watch this epic movie and see what happens in the weeks and months, and even years to come!

Over and out!

About the Author
Dr. Donovan A. McFarlane teaches in the fields of Political Science and Public Administration to include courses on American Government, The Presidency, and Public Policy. He has extensively taught in the fields of Business and Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Some of the major courses he has facilitated include International Business, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Strategic Management, among other courses. He currently writes articles in several areas for his Blog, Forum of Business, Organizations, and Society (FOBOS): http://businessorganizationssociety.blogspot.com/

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